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Cook Islands
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The Cook Islands, a self-governing island country in free association with New Zealand, is nestled in the heart of the South Pacific. This archipelago is made up of 15 islands, each boasting a charm characterized by lush vegetation, volcanic peaks, and vibrant coral atolls. Among these, Rarotonga is the most populous island and serves as the cultural and economic hub with its encircling coral reef, making it ideal for snorkelling and diving. Aitutaki, another prominent island within the group, is renowned for its breathtaking lagoon that's often described as one of the most beautiful in the world. Here, visitors can indulge in water activities such as snorkelling, swimming, and kayaking in waters that exhibit incredible shades of turquoise.

The Cook Islands' culture is deeply rooted in tradition, with locals preserving their Maori heritage through dance, music, and art. Visitors can experience true island life through village tours and cultural nights that typically include traditional feasts known as "umu" cooked in earth ovens. The Cook Islands offer a tranquil, less commercialized Pacific experience, ideal for travellers seeking relaxation amidst natural beauty and authentic Polynesian culture.

Unmissable experiences in Cook Islands
Must Do
Snorkel the coral reefs of Rarotonga for excellent turtle viewing
Don't Miss
Savouring a traditional feast, known as "umu", meat cooked in earth ovens
Must Visit
The world's smallest Post Office on the island of Aitutaki
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