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Yukon, located in the northwest corner of Canada, is a region defined by its vast wilderness and captivating history. Known as the heart of the Klondike Gold Rush, it offers a rich narrative of adventure and exploration, with well-preserved historical sites like Dawson City where visitors can step back in time to the era of gold prospectors. The territory is renowned for its dramatic landscapes, including the rugged peaks of Tombstone Territorial Park and the expansive tundra of Kluane National Park, home to Canada’s highest peak, Mount Logan. Outdoor enthusiasts will find a paradise in the Yukon, with opportunities for hiking, canoeing, and witnessing the spectacular Aurora Borealis.

The Yukon's sparse population and wild natural scenery provide a profound sense of isolation and adventure, making it a perfect destination for those looking to explore the pristine and less-travelled paths of the natural world.

Unmissable experiences in Yukon
Must Do
Explore the Gold Rush pioneer history of Dawson City and drive the Top of the Road Highway
Don't Miss
Watching the dancing Northern Lights in a remote, and pristine environment
Must Visit
Tombstone Territorial Park for some unique landscapes and go as far north as its possible by road!
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