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Cambodia is a nation steeped in history and rich in culture, offering an awe-inspiring journey back in time. The heart of Cambodia's tourist draw is the ancient city of Angkor, home to the spectacular temple complex of Angkor Wat, a UNESCO World Heritage Site that stands as a stunning symbol of the country's past. Beyond its archaeological marvels, Cambodia impresses with vibrant cities like Phnom Penh, where the Royal Palace and bustling markets showcase the rhythm of modern Cambodian life. The serene landscapes of the countryside, with rice paddies and tiny villages, offer a stark contrast to the poignant Killing Fields, reminding visitors of the country's resilient spirit.

Cambodia’s blend of majestic history, heartfelt hospitality, and natural beauty makes it a compelling destination for travellers seeking depth and authenticity.

Unmissable experiences in Cambodia
Must Do
Capture the most beautiful sight of Angkor Wat as the sun rises
Don't Miss
Battambang, for a taste of true, rural life in Cambodia
Must Visit
the sombre sights of the Killing Fields to understand the history of the Khmer Regime and the country's troubled past
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